EMDR Therapy in Dallas, Texas
What is EMDR?
EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a therapy practice that focuses on sensory, cognitive, emotional, and somatic memories associated with trauma. It is not a traditional talk therapy, and is the top recommended treatment for stress- and trauma-related mental health disorders by the WHO, APA, and VA.
In sessions there is a focus on present situations, where the problem is experienced physically in the body, and how the client would like to deal with future challenges.
Benefits of EMDR
Overtime EMDR therapy helps the brain heal to achieve healthy emotional processing and mental health. EMDR has several benefits that includes:
Reduce stress related to trauma-induced memories
Improve self esteem
Alleviate and manage PTSD Symptoms
Reduce anxiety and depression
Decrease night terrors and flashbacks
Conditions that EMDR Treats
Anxiety disorders
PTSD and Complex PTSD (C-PTSD)
Depression disorder
Dissociative disorders
Eating disorders
Personality disorder
EMDR Process
What to Expect
The brain is a muscle that experiences both positive and negative linking between consciousness and information storage. EMDR follows the Adaptive Information Processing model (AIP) to support your brain's ability to transform troubling information/experiences into healthy, adaptive, and positive memory networks.
The AIP model provides a framework for understanding how traumatic experiences affect you, helping your brain re-process traumatic experiences to make new brain connections, deconstructing negative core beliefs, and developing coping skills to deal with negative emotions.
A summary of the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy process is below.
History Taking
Focus on gathering information through a non-judgemental and supportive therapeutic alliance between therapist and client.
Client accesses target memories while therapist assesses memories to sensory components and reactions.
Once desensitization is complete the client affirms positive connections with the target event until it becomes completely authentic.
Therapist supports client in returning to a calm state for complete and incomplete reprocessing sessions.
The therapist prepares the client for a thorough understanding of EMDR treatment and mechanics to determine client readiness for memory processing.
Side to side eye movements, sounds, or taps are incorporated while focusing on the traumatic event.
Body Scan
A body scan is performed from head to toe as the client is asked to think of the target event and positive belief, lingering feels during this phase is reprocessed.
For each new session, client and therapist talk about emerging processed memories to ensure that positive memory connections are still present.
What is Happening in your Brain

Brain Scan | Before and After EMDR
Here are two brain scans of a female patient with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) . The red areas indicate over-activity (referring to constant activity, easily distracted, impulsiveness, lack of focus and other related behaviors) in the brain - likely resulting from the trauma she endured and continued to live life with. The left photo scan is her brain prior to EMDR therapy. The right photo scan is her brain after four 90-minute EMDR therapy sessions. The reduction in over-activity in the brain signifies a brain experiencing relief from PTSD symptoms thanks to EMDR therapy.
The Healing Process: The Brain Making New Connections
Scientists and psychologists used to think that neuroplasticity only occurred during childhood. The implication of this thinking was that childhood trauma and adverse experiences were believed to permanently affect personality in adulthood.
The discovery that neuroplasticity occurs throughout our lives was important because it provides a reason for us to keep trying to heal and grow throughout the lifespan. So when someone says to you "Trauma rewires your brain." it is important to remember that healing does too. Meaning, although we cannot erase difficult and traumatic memories, we can certainly lessen the impact that they have on our current functioning and way of experiencing the world.
In the video to the right, we some neurons under a microscope sensing and connecting. Our brains neurons are continuously growing and actively searching between different cells to find a spot to connect. This is what we want to happen during EMDR therapy sessions - your neurons finding new spots to connect as they are growing new positive connections.
Who is Best Suited for EMDR?

EMDR therapy is best for clients that have experienced traumatic experiences that have left them unable to cope or process heavy emotions in a healthy way. Although all people are welcome to try EMDR, due to the complexity and severity of certain individual experiences EMDR is best suitable for clients that have experienced:
Physical or Sexual assault
Traumatic childhood events
Neglect or abandonment
Natural disasters
Sudden, traumatic loss of a loved one
Additional Information about EMDR
An overview of the multiple research studies hat support the effectiveness of EMDR therapy.
Healing Trauma with EMDR
The EMDR International Association explains the phases and process of EMDR therapy and how it can be a force in healing trauma.
Does EMDR remove shame?
Actress Jameel Jamil, discusses how she healed her trauma through EMDR therapy, on the Under the Skin Podcast.
Neuroplasticity Explained
Perth Brain Centre explains the activation of neuroplasticity that allows people to train and control their brainwaves.
The BBC interviews scientist who through new technology reveal how our brains continue to change and rewire itself as we age.